Lotus King Translation group is actively working on several important Tibetan language texts. When possible, translators follow “word translation” method, which aims to translate texts precisely word-for-word using standardized dictionary together with process that leverage latest technology.

Profound Extraordinary Heart Essence: The Accomplishment of Padma Gyalpo, the Lotus King
ཡང་ཟབ་པདྨ་རྒྱལ་པོ་ཡི༔ སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་སྙིང་གི་ཡང་ཞུན་བཞུགས༔
This extraordinary Pema Gyalpo terma was revealed by Ladakh Chöje Togden Rinpoche of Ladakh. The yidam practice is currently available in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Translation to several other languages is on-going. A thangka have been produced and is available for printing upon request. [RESTRICTED]
Ultimate Essence of Longevity Practice of the Revealed Casket of Sun and Moon
གའུ་རྒྱ་ཅན་ལས༔ ཚེ་སྒྲུབ་དོན་གྱི་སྙིང་པོ༔
This extrordinary Pema Gyalpo terma was revealed by Ladakh Chöje Togden Rinpoche of Ladakh. The longevity practice is currently available in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese. A thangka have been produced and is available for printing upon request. [RESTRICTED]
The Ocean That Is Completely Absorbing the Essence of Animate and Inanimate Objects
ཡང་ཟབ་སྙིང་གི་ཡང་ཞུན་ལས༔ གཡང་ལེན་སྣོད་བཅུད་རྒྱ་མཚོ༔
This extraordinary Pema Gyalpo terma was revealed by Ladakh Chöje Togden Rinpoche of Ladakh. The magnetizing practice is currently available in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese. A thangka have been produced and is available for printing upon request. [RESTRICTED]
Guiding the Deceased and Transferring Their Consciousness with Speed of Meteors
ཡང་ཟབ་པདྨ་རྒྱལ་པོ་ཡི༔ སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་སྙིང་གི་ཡང་ཞུན་བཞུགས༔
This extrordinary terma was revealed by Ladakh Chöje Togden Rinpoche of Ladakh. Work is commencing to complete the translation of the Phowa practice into English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese. A thangka will be comissioned upon completion of translation work. [RESTRICTED]
History of Ladakh: A New Moonlight
A seminal history of Ladakh, the longest lasting Dharma Kingdom on the Tibetan Plateau. In almost 500 pages Ladakh Chöje Togden Rinpoche brings the reader through the history of this fascinating land through life-stories of Dharma Kings, as well as other great masters and practitioners. The work is on-going, and likely to be completed sometime in 2023.
Introduction to the Trilogy of Natural Ease: The Ocean of Excellent Teachings by Longchenpa, the Lord of the Speech
ངལ་གསོ་སྐོར་གསུམ་གྱི་སྤྱི་དོན་ལེགས་བཤད་རྒྱ་མཚོ། ཀུན་མཁྱེན་ངག་གི་དབང་པོ།
Longchen Rabjampa’s auto-commentary to the seminal Nyingma Lam Rim, The Great Chariot. English translation work will be completed in Q1/2022. The text will be available on Creative Commons license to support ready access and translation to other languages.
The Tantra of the Controlling Action Wheel
Mahadeva (Lha Chen) sadhana from the Northern Treasures of Rigzin Godem. English translation of the of the text is completed, and will be made available sometime in 2022. A thangka has been produced and is available upon request. [RESTRICTED]
The Profound Path of Phowa
A profound instruction on the Phowa practice of the renown yogi Sakya Shri. Available in English, Simplified, and Traditional Chinese. [RESTRICTED]
Short Practice of the Naga King Buddha
A short practice of the Naga King Buddha. Available in English, Simplified, and Traditional Chinese.
Naga Incense Purification Offering of Master Padmasambhava
Master Padmasambhava’s Naga purification practice with incense offering. Available in English, Simplified, and Traditional Chinese.
The Treasure Siddhi of Naga Incence Offering of Master Nagarjuna
Master Nagarjuna’s Naga purification practice with incense offering. Available in English, Simplified, and Traditional Chinese.
Various Texts and Commentaries on Vajra Body
Various early texts from Sowa Rigpa (medical) and Kagyu traditions, covering topics such as channels, winds, and “chulen”. The texts include Breaking the Continuity, Four Tantras, The Secret Quintessential Instructions on the Eight Branches of the Ambrosia Essence Tantra, Medical Treatise on Medicine Buddha’s Mind Ornament, Blue Beryl Garland: The Commentary on the Four Tantras, The Great Commentary on the Medical Tantras: Sage’s Oral Instructions, Forefather’s Oral Instructions, Marpa Lotsawa’s Collected Works, Jigten Sumgon’s Collected Works. Available in English. [RESTRICTED]